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U Pana Boga w Królowym Moście

U Pana Boga w Królowym Moście

U Pana Boga w Królowym Moście

U Pana Boga w Królowym Moście

2024 2h 12m

U Pana Boga w Królowym Moście is released on 1 Nov 2024.


A continuation of the cult series of films and their extensions, whose compilation of stories, actors, landscapes and genius loci was loved by Polish viewers. According to the director, the film realities of the Polish province are a world that does not exist, but whose natural order, pride, local patriotism and clear division into good and evil people yearn for. The latest part refers to the current political and social situation. In the basement of the church in Królowy Most, an archaeology student finds a royal document granting Prince Butrymowicz the right to establish a sovereign duchy in the areas around the town for his services in the war with the Swedes.

Release Date 1 Nov 2024
Language Polish
Runtime 2h 12m
Genres Comedy

